
Infractions criminelles: moins de cannabis, plus d’images intimes

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La Presse Canadienne

2017-07-24 10:15:00

Le Québec continue d'afficher le plus bas taux de criminalité, soit 3247 pour 100 000 habitants...
Le taux d'infractions liées au cannabis a diminué l'an dernier pour la 5e année consécutive
Le taux d'infractions liées au cannabis a diminué l'an dernier pour la 5e année consécutive
Le taux d'infractions liées au cannabis a diminué l'an dernier au Canada pour la 5ème année consécutive...

Selon Statistique Canada, environ 55 000 infractions liées au cannabis avaient été signalées à la police en 2016, soit 6000 de moins que l'année précédente. La majorité des infractions concernait la possession de cannabis.

L'Indice de gravité de la criminalité (IGC) déclarée par la police, qui mesure le volume et la gravité des crimes, a par ailleurs augmenté de 1 % en 2016 au Canada par rapport à l'année précédente. La hausse est principalement attribuable à une croissance du taux d'affaires de fraude.

L'indice a diminué dans sept provinces et territoires. Parmi les provinces, le Québec a continué d'afficher le plus bas taux de criminalité, soit 3247 pour 100 000 habitants.

Plus de crimes liés aux images intimes

Plus de crimes liés aux images intimes
Plus de crimes liés aux images intimes
Statistique Canada a observé que la distribution non consensuelle d'images intimes, qui constitue un crime relativement récent, prenait de l'ampleur. En 2016, la police a déclaré 815 affaires de distribution non consensuelle d'images intimes, comparativement à 340 en 2015. La croissance s'est concentrée au Québec et en Ontario.

Le nombre d'affaires signalées a crû de 53 à 186 au Québec et de 114 à 286 en Ontario, selon l'agence fédérale.
10 commentaires
  1. DSG
    So what
    It's only normal the rate of crime related to cannabis has gone down. Even though it's not legal yet the cops will not risk their safety in pursuing an activity that will eventually be decriminalized. However the study fails to mention the correlating increase in pan handlers, squeegee kids and general underachievers.

    • SMMD
      So what???
      Maybe that's because this is a crime-related statistic and none of those activities are crimes? I tend to rejoice in the fact that I'm living in one of the most law-abiding jurisdictions on the continent, possibly the world.

    • Anonyme
      il y a 7 ans
      People like the initial poster have a very black and white vision of the world and they see just what they want to see. To him, the PM is a "pot-smoking hippie" or something like that who rejoices at throwing money to terrorists. So no point wasting your time discussing the issue, statistics be damned, for him it's gotta be all bad news, his world is crumbling.

    • Attorney
      il y a 7 ans
      DSG is right about him. Trudeau IS a pot-smoking hippie who does nothing but throw money at natives and various pressure groups (trans, migrants, whatever), throwing away our financial future with his huge deficit.

      Probably the most clueless leader we've ever had. But he's cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

    • Anonyme
      il y a 7 ans
      re: Trudeau
      "throwing away our financial future with his huge deficit."

      Yes, the world is bleak, Canada has not regained a standing in the world and nothing good will come until your champion comes in. Then it will all be unicorn farts and roses!

      Go hide in the basement, they're coming!

    • Attorney
      il y a 7 ans
      Unlike you...
      ... I live in the real world, where accountability still means something. While you care about our standing in the world, I care about what actually happens here, and about the kind of country this idiot will leave for my kids.

      And it's not pretty.

    • DSG
      No hiding the fact
      I concur: "the PM is a "pot-smoking hippie" or something like that who rejoices at throwing money to terrorists." A conservative from Canada trying to explain that stupid settlement to the American media said it best: this is what happens when we vote for someone because he has good hair as opposed to substance. And legalizing pot will only increase the number of burnt-out dopers who vote for that man.

    • Anonyme
      il y a 7 ans
      Just so you kow
      There is a sale on aluminum foil this week. I bet you could make yourself a very nice hat.

    • Attorney
      il y a 7 ans
      Keep living under that rock. When Canada's credit rating plummets, go cry to your mama.

      Liberalism truly is a meantl illness.

  2. Vince P.
    Vince P.
    il y a 7 ans
    Elle est belle
    Qu'elle belle banane!


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