
Montréal poursuivie pour empêcher l'euthanasie de trois chiens

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Julien Vailles

2017-07-31 14:15:00

La Ville de Montréal considèrent les chiennes Labrador comme un danger pour la sécurité publique...
Montréal poursuivie pour empêcher l'euthanasie de trois labradors
Montréal poursuivie pour empêcher l'euthanasie de trois labradors
Jocelyn Auclair, Betty Munoz et Gulnara Jacome-Munoz réclament une injonction interlocutoire en Cour supérieure. Pour plaider ce dossier, ils ont fait appel aux services de Goldwater Dubé, le cabinet de la célèbre Anne-France Goldwater.

Un recours a été déposé au palais de justice de Montréal. Les demandeurs en ont contre une décision de la Ville de Montréal qui ordonne l’euthanasie de leurs trois chiennes Labrador.

Des chiennes « dangereuses pour la sécurité publique »

Revenons sur les faits : le 3 mai dernier, alors que la promeneuse de chiens des demandeurs faisait son travail, celle-ci a momentanément perdu le contrôle des bêtes, qui ont sauté sur un passant, vraisemblablement sans le blesser, clame-t-on dans la demande en justice.

Quelques jours plus tard, une préposée de la patrouille canine se serait présentée à la porte des défendeurs pour les aviser que leurs chiennes devraient se soumettre à un test de comportement. Test qui a eu lieu un mois plus tard, toujours selon la demande.

À la suite de l’évaluation, le 25 juillet, les propriétaires ont reçu une lettre indiquant que les chiennes étaient considérées comme un danger pour la sécurité publique. Conséquemment, on réclamait leur euthanasie dans les 48 heures et une preuve que celle-ci avait été effectuée dans les 72 heures suivantes.

Une décision que contestent les demandeurs. Ils exigent en outre une injonction interlocutoire en attendant que la décision sur le fond soit rendue. Ceux-ci s’appuient notamment sur le fait qu’elles n’ont jamais pu être entendues comme parties, ce qui viole la règle de l’audi alteram partem.
23 commentaires
  1. Anonyme
    il y a 7 ans
    Labradors violents, eh ben...

  2. DSG
    This city has gone completely stupid. Anyone even remotely familiar with dogs knows that Labradors are the most docile of all breeds. The facts above state that the person supposedly attacked wasn't injured. That's because the only danger is that a Labrador will lick you to death. Why doesn't animal control unit do something more useful, like containing that fat pig we call the mayor of this dump.

    • Anonyme
      il y a 7 ans
      Bravo genius!
      I share your favourable bias towards Labs. The people who would have evaluated the dogs are also aware of the breed's docile temperament. If they took this decision, there is a reason.

      Of course as usual this does not prevent you from making a definite decision on the matter. In French we say "Parler à travers son chapeau".

      As for the insults, beneath even you, weren't you the one complaining about others insulting you and linking this what you perceived to be their inability to make an argument? I guess you just proved your point here.

    • DSG
      Get over it
      There's a difference between insulting a person you know (and being a public figure entitles the general population to criticize that person) and calling a person you don't know stupid just because you disagree with his or her arguments. I disagree with that settlement (you know which one) on legal grounds, on moral grounds and on humanitarian grounds. So get off it.

      Yes, referring to Coderre as a pig is somewhat insulting (perhaps even to pigs), but this man who was supposed to clean up this city has done nothing but maintain the status quo of corruption. In fact according to recent reports he may even be worse than his predecessors. You tell me what to call a person who fleeces public funds.

    • Anonyme
      il y a 7 ans
      Who's over it?
      You are entitled to criticize. Your initial comment is not criticism, it is a juvenile, silly insult.

      You are the one who is bringing up the settlement again, I made no mention of it, so I am "off of it". Clearly you are not. However, go back and read the exchange, you will see that you are the one who always starts with the insults. Telling someone that they don't understand something is not an insult, it happens all the time between litigators.

      You dish it out heavily but are very sensitive when it comes back to you. Even the anonymous personae you've created. Interesting.

      By the way, I'm not a fan of Coderre, but I am a fan of respect. Now you've brought up a lot of "facts" to support your insults of Coderre. What are they based on? What recent reports?I am genuinely interested in knowing. Or are these reports sitting with your "experts" who contested the settlement on legal grounds and who have seemingly remained anonymous?

    • Joy
      That Mayor of ours has his days numbered as our elected official. Everyone has to get out and vote for the next person we have to trust all of our city issues to. Someone with intelligence, heart and the foresight to see what issues need changing.

    • GR
      The question that always comes to my mind is who is doing the evaluating? To my knowledge, there are only 4 veterinarians in the Montreal area, and possibly in the whole of Quebec, who are board certified in animal behaviour. How do the credentials of the city's experts compare with these vets, what tests did they use, how were the testing methods validated, and why isn't this information being made public? Life is precious to all, and if any animals is condemned to death, surely the city must be able and required to openly and objectively, and in detail explain their decision.

    • Not a Coderre fan
      Not a Coderre fan
      il y a 7 ans
      I am a fan of respect too. Unfortunately, Denis Coderre didn't treat Montrealers with respect in regards to the dog bylaw, among other things. I say that as someone who went to city and borough town halls many times. I understand your point, but I also understand the opinion of someone who'll argue that Denis Coderre doesn't deserve a respect he don't demonstrate to the people he's supposed to work for.

    • Anonyme
      il y a 7 ans
      More education
      "ALL dogs bite.'

      Absolutely! But seemingly only a few breeds KILL HUMANS with any amount of frequency despite the fact that they are much less numerous than other breeds.

      "31 U.S. dog bite-related fatalities occurred in 2016. Despite being regulated in Military Housing areas and over 900 U.S. cities, pit bulls contributed to 71% (22) of these deaths. Pit bulls make up about 6% of the total U.S. dog population."

      Full disclosure: Labs and their mixes killed 3 people during that same period (in spite of the fact that they are the most common dog breed).

      That is why I support BSLs with grandfathering rights for those already in homes at the moment the legislation comes into effect. If you absolutely must have a pit bull, you probably shouldn't be allowed to own one!

    • Anonyme
      il y a 7 ans is for idiots
      It is a site akin to fox news. If you are for bsl you have drunk the koolaid, and you don't like or know dogs.

    • Anonyme
      il y a 7 ans
      I'm an idiot I guess
      If you want to be more persuasive, you should respond to the information, not its source. But objective statistics are difficult to argue with, aren't they?

      And there are other sources of info that give the same numbers. Or are they also for idiots because they don't confirm your bias?

      I may be an idiot but I understand that dogs have been bred to have certain characteristics. Some collies will start herding without any training, it's inbred. Pit bulls have been bred for aggression. I am not sure who is the idiot if you think you can modify or totally disregard genetics.

      In addition to the clear stats, my position is based on a personal experience. A friend of mine adopted a shelter pitbull who had been evaluated. She was a good owner and took the dog to obedience school. She had it for over two years. The SECOND time it bit a human she had it put down.

  3. Anonyme
    il y a 7 ans
    Que trois chiens (labradors) soient également violents et susceptibles d'euthanasie, j'ai peine à croire.

  4. Anonyme
    il y a 7 ans
    Etre entendu ?
    Comment, pourquoi ? Plaider la défense des chiens ? Les assister pendant les test ? Être "entendu" pour dire mes chiens sont gentils ?
    Curieux argument ça.

    • J.F. Richard
      J.F. Richard
      il y a 7 ans
      Pour les faire ré-évaluer
      Pour les faire ré-évaluer sous supervision. Un labrador violent au point de justifier une euthanasie est surprenant. Que tous les trois le soient me semble impossible, ou du moins, implausible.

      Je soupçonne un évaluateur avec une attitude plutôt cavalière au sujet de la vie des chiens.

  5. Maritza
    il y a 7 ans
    La euthanasia des chiens labrador
    It is ridiculous how this city want to just kill these dogs , I am absolutely in shock with this article , the family of theses dogs should request for people to oppose the act by creating a page requesting people to sign , I will defenetely sign that request !!! Please do so , we can not let this criminal act to happens and that why ? Because the person walking them lost control? What an absurd !!!!! This could happens to anyone who have dogs ! This act is just criminal

  6. Louise W
    Louise W
    il y a 7 ans
    Pourquoi n'entendons nous aucune mention de ceci au nouvelle? J'aimerais aussi savoir les qualifications du soi disant evaluate qui a décidé que les 3 étaient un danger piblique

  7. A Davidson
    A Davidson
    il y a 7 ans
    I am so worried that my sweet loving 5+ year old Lab mix will be next! This is insane. The more this goes on the more fear it I stills in people. We are, once again, a laughing stock of the entire country. Please people wake up!

  8. Anonyme
    il y a 7 ans
    info manquante
    Moi j'aimerais connaître les détails de l'attaque. POur que ça se rende à ce niveau, il y a dû avoir quelque chose de plus que ce qui est mentionné ici

  9. Animus
    il y a 7 ans
    Pitbulls & Cops
    Pitbulls were bred to kill.
    One of them killed my friend's
    cat by jumping over their fence
    and ripping it to shreds on the
    front lawn for the entire family
    to see. If that were ever to happen
    to one of my cats, I wouldn't hesitate
    to take matters in my own hands.

    That being said, there are a lot of
    retards at all levels of the City,
    especially the police force.

    So I support any initiative which
    aims to clarify and limit the powers
    of City employees.

    We've all the seen abuses of power
    against students and other protesters
    and the subsequent backlash in the form
    of multiple class actions. Turns out
    thousands were arrested for offenses
    that either don't exist or have since
    been declared invalid.

    Like I said, retards.

  10. C'est ça qui est ça
    C'est ça qui est ça
    il y a 7 ans
    On vous l'avait dit
    Comment on dit déjà? Your breed is next.

    Nous l'avons dit aux élus, à Denis Coderre, aux conseils municipaux, et l'équipe du maire a ignoré ses citoyens. Nous n'avons pas été écoutés, car ce maire n'écoute personne depuis 4 ans et se fiche de nous (Formule E ?).

    Ce genre de loi mène TOUJOURS à ce genre d'abus, peu importe la race de votre chien: your breed is next.
    Ça nous coûte cher (déjà 2M$ de plus en 2017) et personne ne sera plus en sécurité.

    Vous voulez un chien? Installez-vous ailleurs qu'à Montréal. Cette administration déteste les animaux et aime dépenser votre argent.

  11. C'est ça qui est ça
    C'est ça qui est ça
    il y a 7 ans
    C'est ça qui est ça
    Comment on dit déjà? Your breed is next.

    Nous l'avons dit aux élus, à Denis Coderre, aux conseils municipaux, et l'équipe du maire a ignoré ses citoyens. Nous n'avons pas été écoutés, car ce maire n'écoute personne et se fiche de nous depuis 4 ans (Formule E ?).

    Ce genre de loi mène TOUJOURS à ce genre d'abus, peu importe la race de votre chien: your breed is next.
    Ça nous coûte cher (déjà 2M$ de plus en 2017) et personne ne sera plus en sécurité.

    Vous voulez un chien? Installez-vous ailleurs qu'à Montréal. Cette administration déteste les animaux et aime dépenser votre argent.

  12. Embarrassed Montrealer
    Embarrassed Montrealer
    il y a 7 ans
    Coderre must leave
    That's why I didn't register my dog with the city. They can't be trusted with our addresses, as long as the court don't strike down the "right" to enter our homes without a warrant that the Coderre administration put in his by-law. This is unconstitutional and have been struck down by the courts in other places (Lachine in 2010, notably).


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