Plus de travail pour les "InHouse", moins pour les cabinets?
Rene Lewandowski
2011-10-25 10:15:00
Ainsi, plus du tiers (37%) des chefs des affaires juridiques interrogés ont déclaré vouloir embaucher cette année. C'est plus qu'en 2008 et 2009.
Autre indication, les départements juridiques des entreprises sont de plus en plus nombreux à recruter du personnel autres que des avocats, notamment des parajuristes et autres employés de soutien.
Ce changement de cap n'est sûrement pas étranger au fait que près de la moitié (45%) des répondants ont indiqué que leurs avocats externes avaient augmenté leur taux horaires en 2010; 43% s'attendent à ce que les taux augmentent encore en 2011.
La gestion et les coûts reliés aux cabinets externes est d'ailleurs l'une des préoccupations majeures des boss des départements juridiques. Plus du tiers (35%) ont mentionné avoir mis en place des méthodes pour mieux contrôler ces coûts. Mais il y a encore pas mal de chemin à faire, semble-t-il...
Ce sondage a été réalisé auprès de 1165 chefs des affaires juridiques dans le monde. Voici les résultats détaillés:
• The number of law departments with only attorneys on staff seems to have reached a high point in 2008 (26%) and declined in 2009 and 2011 (24%) making it closer now to the percentages in 2007 (22%).
• In 2009, there were increases in the number of support staff; in 2011, there are some small decreases in all three of these support staff types, but not down to the 2008 levels, except in technical support staff which was 7% in 2008, 10% in 2009 and is now down to 5% in 2011.
• More CLOs (37%) are planning to hire staff in the coming year than reported in 2009 and 2008
• Overwhelming majority (92%) report that despite expanding duties/ changes to role as CLO, they are still satisfied with their chosen career. (Upward trend from 91% in 2009 and 88% in 2008).
• Though the concerns with increased scrutiny have increased since 2009, it is still somewhat lower than what was reported in 2008.
• Only 54% of respondents experienced effects from the economic downturn. (Significantly down from 74% reported in 2009)
• As was the case in past years, most CLOs (62%) report their departments’ cost allocation is taken from the company’s general overhead budget.
• Over two-thirds are implementing practices to create cost/time efficiencies and/or generate value for their department.
• Just less than half (48%) report that they have outside counsel expenditures under $1 million; however almost a fifth (18%) have outside counsel expenditures over $5 million.
- 12% CLO respondents use contract lawyers;
- Average use three contract lawyers;
- Over half (53%) of the respondents using only one;
- 40% use two to five contract lawyers;
- Highest number reported was 50 contract lawyers.
• Over one-third (35%) indicated that they have implemented methods to control outside legal spending and have realized savings from doing so.
- Almost two-thirds (63%) are using some type of value-based fee arrangement with a median of 10% or more of their outside counsel work performed under these fee arrangements;
- Significantly higher than the 32% reported in 2009 and 21% reported in 2008.
• Almost half of the respondents (45%) saw increases in their outside hourly rates in 2010 and almost as many (43%) expect increases in 2011.
• Less than a quarter (23%) saw a decrease in the value of the work performed by their outside counsel.
- Those that did see a decrease, on average reported a 19% decrease in value (with a median of 15%);
• To improve their relationships with outside counsel, one-half of respondents would like to see:
- More focus on matter and budget management (59%);
- Value-based fees/fixed fees/discounted rates (47%).